GALLERY 301 due
清原 由季 個展
イトカオ- PRAYER -
2016.9.15 ~ 9.25
I make a preferance to my embroidery style as an expressive idiom of my works, while they are materially different from traditional needle works.
The conventional embroidery works are typicallry characterized by their fine touch with carefully and well aligned stitching methods. On the other hand, Iintend to express my works as a bold harmoney with a diversity of threads,which may be associated with pigment works on oil paintings. I entirely focus on “ faces ” of human beings or creature. ...My aim is to strip life to the skin from within, playing with threads. |
清原 由季 Yuki Kiyohara■ 略歴
1988 甲南女子大学文学部英文学科 並びに神戸ドレスメーカー学院(現福富学園神戸ファッション専門学校)オートクチュール科卒業 同年 伊藤忠商事(株)入社 1994 同退社 2010 日本郵便 年賀状大賞 写真部門入選 2014 ユザワヤ創作大賞展 入選 宝塚市手工芸展 入選 GALLERY301での過去の展示風景はコチラ↓↓↓ |